Yank Masthead (The unofficial) Yank Archives  

What is Yank? Yank, The Army Weekly, was a magazine published during World War II for American military personnel serving around the world. It was pub­lished from 1942 to 1945. Head­quartered in New York but dis­tributed in various editions around the world, Yank was written mostly by servicemen. It featured a variety of articles covering every­thing from news from the home­front to first person accounts from the battle­front. The stories were richly illustrated with photo­graphs and drawings. Yank also included cartoons and photos of pin-up girls and Hollywood starlets.

What is (the unofficial) Yank Archive? This website is an attempt to preserve and make known some of the content of this important his­torical pub­lication. Our goal is to place searchable excerpts from Yank on the web for new generations to enjoy and for scholarly study by people with an interest in history.

Most recent articles posted:
Date posted:   From issue:
Oct 18th, 2011   Mar 28th, 1943
They Fight with Film
The military drafts Hollywood film makers to create films for soldiers.
Date posted:   From issue:
May 14th, 2011   Aug 22nd, 1943
If You're Captured, Button Your ...
Advice to soldiers on what to expect if captured.

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Newsbite of the Week

Mar 27th, 1943:

Formation of the Army's first Negro cavalry division, with headquarters at Fort Clark, Tex., has been announced by the WD. The new Second Cavalry Division was developed from the Fourth Cavalry Brigade, composed of the Ninth and Tenth Cavalry regiments which were first organized in 1886.

The Fourth Cavalry Brigade fought in Mexico, Cuba, the Philippines, and against the Indians in Texas and Montana. There are two Negro infantry divisions, the 92nd and 93rd, besides an air force pursuit squadron which is ready for combat action.

In all, there are about 450,000 Negro soldiers in the Army. These include 60,000 G.I.s stationed overseas, of whom 25,000 are in the Pacific areas and 10,000 in North Africa.

There are also about 2,000 Negro commissioned officers in the Army.

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Article of the Week

From the issue dated Jan 23rd, 1943.

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Cairo Gals Take Mama Along When They Date G. I. Cowboys

CAIRO — American soldiers here are finding it hard to swallow the local custom of bringing mama, papa, and sometimes brother and sister in on a date with the girl friend. Cairo families — and Cairo girls, too — wouldn't think of permitting an unchaperoned date before the first few months of an acquaintance have elapsed. It just isn't done, and to the average Yank, who's used to getting things on a pretty clubby basis in an hour's time, this custom has become a pain in the neck. A few still persist in trying to break it up, but most of the boys have given it up as a bad job.

Sgt. Clyde Jacob of Norfolk, Va., was cured early. He went to a dance, met a smooth number, and became interested right off the bat. Getting into form, Sgt. Jacob suggested that they sit the next one out over a drink. She agreed. As they went to a table he noticed a crowd following them and asked the girl what was up. "They are my mother and three sisters," she replied. Jacob had to shell out for five drinks, plus his own.

Another case: T/Sgt. Jim McKnight, a tall Texan, had finally singled out the babe of his choice, called on her, and made a date for the movies. The picture was new and the movie house was classy, so he reserved a couple of seats and got everything set. As they left her house, two strange young men put on their hats and joined them. They were the girl's two younger brothers. McKnight took the three of them to a Western doubleheader.

In other respects the girls are more or less up to the minute. They go in for jitterbugging and assume that every American is a past
master at the art. If you happen to be one of those few who can't cut a rug, they consider that you're a cowboy and expect you to sing "You Are My Sunshine," accompanying yourself on the guitar.

They get these ideas, of course, from our movies. From their U.S. screen fare they've deduced that American are either cowboys or gangsters, and residents of New York, Hollywood. or Washington. If you don't live on the range, as far as they're concerned, you live in a penthouse with a blonde and an automatic potato peeler.

It takes a week, more or less, for the average U.S. soldier to get the hang of Egyptian currency. He's on a rather firm footing to begin with, as the currency has a decimal basis. The Egyptian pound is worth a few cents over $4 and contains 100 piasters, which makes the latter worth a shade over 4 cents. The piaster is divided into 10 milliemes, which aren't good for much besides newspapers and street-car rides. The big thing to contend with, in Egyptian currency, is that most of your money is in midget bills. Besides the pound note, the paper family includes notes for 50, 25, 20, 10 and 5 piasters, ranging in size from, roughly, our dollar bill to a Kool cigarette coupon.

The local beer — a lager — has the OK of most of the boys, but they'd still rather have American beer. The local brand is "Stella" and a doublesized bottle costs six piasters (24 cents). Regular canteens and PXs haven't penetrated this sector of the Middle Eastern Theater as yet, so we're having to pay city restaurants and stores from 32 to 36 cents for a can of U.S. beer and as much as 48 cents for a pack of American butts.

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